Free creative writing poetry workshops
Calling all SoundStorm/Wave members schools!
Free creative writing poetry workshops for primary/secondary schools – Jan/Feb 2019
Wave is delighted to offer SoundStorm/Wave member schools the opportunity to take part in fully funded poetry workshops, in partnership with Light Up Poole / Artful Scribe in early 2019.
Light Up Poole is a major festival of light taking place in Poole town centre in February 2019, following a very successful first event in 2018. See https://lightuppoole.co.uk/
One of the many attractions will be NYX, a moving robot, designed by Amsterdam-based artist Gijs van Bon, which will move down Poole streets painting illuminated words and poems, which will remain in situ for the rest of the night. These words are environmentally friendly and plastic-free, illuminated by ultra-violet light, and are washed away after each night. See the attached picture for an idea of what the robot looks like.
We are inviting students from our member schools to write the words that Robot NYX will leave in its wake!
Creative literacy experts, ArtfulScribe, will come into participating schools, using this year’s festival theme of ’tides’ to lead writing workshops that will result in students producing poems for our robotic visitor.
Each participating school will select their best work which the artist will feed into the robot and these words will then form a line of poetry behind ROBOT NYX as it moves down the street each night.
Key details / booking info:
COST: FREE to SoundStorm/Wave member schools
AGE RANGE: primary schools age 8+, plus secondaries (suggest KS3).
WORKSHOP LEADER: Matt West, Artful Scribe www.artfulscribe.co.uk
NUMBER OF SCHOOLS: open to up to 10 schools, 2 x 1 hour slots per school. We can look at allocating more sessions to larger schools, though this will reduce the number of schools taking part
LENGTH OF WORKSHOPS: 45 mins to 1 hour per class size group. Only one session is needed to produce a poem.
WORKSHOP CONTENT: The robot can process 120 words per night, so Matt will be concentrating on 3 line, 17 syllable, Haiku poetry with students. Schools will need to select their best pieces of work, to feed into the robot.
WORKSHOP LOCATION: Matt will come into your school, during the school day, on an agreed date.
Mornings or afternoons, ideally 21-25 Jan 2019, but we can look at around these dates too.
LIGHT UP POOLE FESTIVAL DATES AND LOCATION: Thurs 21 – Sat 23 Feb 2019, Poole Town Centre, 6pm onwards.
This is half term and there is no requirement for participating school groups to attend the festival even if they host the workshops. However, if students want to see their poetry being displayed by the robot, they will need to persuade their parents/carers to take them to what should be a magical event.
More info about the workshops: please email Matt West via artfulscribe@artfulscribe.co.uk
TO BOOK A SLOT FOR YOUR SCHOOL: please email rachel.sene@bournemouth.gov.uk