Before Christmas the Cultural Hub, alongside Lighthouse Learning, funded a visual arts outreach project associated with Theatre Lyngo’s Snow Play, our Christmas play for younger children. Artists Lorna Rees and Heidi Steller visited three local infant and primary schools and produced a beautiful snow cloud with the children there, proudly exhibited outside the Sherling Studio in December. Here Lorna describes the process:
“This beautiful snow cloud was made by the combined efforts of 270 children aged from 4 – 7 years old. During the workshops, the children talked, learnt and sang about clouds and made their very own snow particles using withies and weaving. These ‘particles’ were then woven together into our huge snow cloud sculpture, reflecting how clouds form in our atmosphere.

Words and art work were created by 60 children from St Luke’s CE Primary School, 120 Year Two children at Canford Heath Infants School and 90 Year Two children at Ad Astra Infant School. The cloud was named ‘Flowsnakes’, from a brilliant spoonerism of ‘Snowflakes’ created by a boy in Catkins Class, St Luke’s (aged 4).
Artist Heidi Steller and I are spending the next two years making work about clouds as part of our CLOUDSCAPES project.
The work was made possible by the funding of the Cultural Hub and led by Lighthouse Learning & Participation team. Special thanks to all of the Teachers and Teaching Assistants at the schools we worked with as well as to Lighthouse, Wave and Activate Performing Arts.”